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Kindness is like snow.

It beautifies everything it covers.

Kahlil Gibran

Do you want to build a Snowman? You almost can’t say that phrase without hearing the music in your head. Oh great now its stuck in my head… But that’s ok because I am excited and ready to build a snowman. But let’s be honest, it may be too cold, no snow, or not the right kind of snow. But we can still have some snowman fun inside our nice warm houses. My kids have picked their top three snowman books and came up with some fun indoor friendly activities to do. These will be great on the dreaded NO SCHOOL day, a playdate for friends to come over and hear a book and do activities or if you homeschooling and want to add in some fun activities with your lessons. Make sure you post pictures on our Facebook book page of your kids awesome creations.

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Top 3 Books

Snowmen at Night By Caralyn Buehner And Illustrated by Mark Buehner

Snowmen at Night was an instant favorite in this house. The illustrations are great, the story is engaging, and my kids enjoy the rhymes. There are several other books in this series and each of them are delightful but this one is truly the best. As the title states this is book is all about the crazy things you can imagine that your snowman does while you are sleeping that also explains why they are all drooping by the next morning. Keep looking at those illustrations you will constantly find something you didn’t notice before.

The Biggest Snowman Ever was written by Steve Kroll and illustrated by Jeni Bassett.

I’m a former Reading Specialist who has read hundreds of books to thousands of kids. This book is beautifully (and cleverly) illustrated and playfully written. My 7 and 4 year old both LOVE this book. We can also get the audio book from out Library. We listen to this one in the car all the time! It is a cute story that teachers a wonderful lesson about hard work and cooperation.

Heart of a Snowman By Mary Kuryla

This is not your typical Snowman book. The overall the story has a lovely message, that a snowman begins with the warm hands of a child (which makes up the snowman’s heart). Then things take a twist, (which my kids just loved) and some might say odd. The Snowman is Kidnapped. The boy travels with his taken snowman where he sees his snowman being taken apart piece by piece! What? Why? We don’t know… Seems strange to us as a reader. Then we realize that the North Pole characters are really trying to figure out how to make a perfect snowman. They just don’t see what they are missing.

Runner up Snowman Books

The Snowman by Raymond Briggs 

The Smallest Snowman By Sarah Fisch

How to Catch a Snowman By Adam Wallace and pictures by Andy Elkerton

The Biggest Best Snowman By Margery Cuyler

Olaf’s Frozen Adventure by Amy Sky Koster



Paper plate

Glue stick or liquid


Construction paper

Heart sticker


White Bio Tube Recycled Packing Peanuts

Dish to melt


Free Download – Chart for scientific observations

Print numbers or letters – Free SNOW Printable

Roll dice and line up snow men


Graham cracker


Pretzel sticks

Mini chocolate chips or Mini M&M’s

Nutella, Peanut butter, or some other Nut Spread

Rocking their Heart Out Snowman Craft

1. Cut paper plate in half.
2. Glue into a cone.
3. Smoosh flat. You may want to use a clothes pin to help it stay together while the glue dries.
4. Cut and glue a carrot nose.
5. Cut and glue on a hat.
5. Cut and glue on a scarf
6. Draw a face.

Snowman at Night Melting Snowman Activity

All you need is Markers and packing peanuts.
1. Draw a snowman on each packing Peanut

Free SNOW Printable – what them practice tracing letters with snowmen and laying the snowman down on the letters.
Roll a dice and count out snowman for a math center.
Download Chart for scientific observations. Talk about how their snowman looks like now. What will it look like when you place it in water. And then talk about what really happened. What happened to the snow man in the story?

Fill a bowl of water. Then let your child play, observe, and discuss what happens to the snowmen.

The Biggest Snowman Snack Ever

1. Cover Graham Cracker in Nutella, Peanut butter, or your favorite nut butter.
2. Slice banana and place three circles on the cracker to make a snowman. Use candy to decorate your snowman.
3. Add pretzels for arms. and Then Enjoy!!!
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