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I’m sure most would agree that I am a children’s book nerd. I love finding new books for my kiddos. When I find a treasure of a book, I’m not just a Scribble, I always look for the author’s other books too. My kids and I were instantly hooked on Diane Alber’s Books. She is able to teach your kids about serious topics like anxiety, peace, anger, and sadness in a fun and relatable way. Her books help kids build confidence as they see the character’s work through their problems and speak up for what is write.

I’m not just a Scribble – My kids loved this book about friendship. We were able to have great conversations about situations on the playground and how even though kids are different we can still be friends and play with them! My kiddos loved learning the colors and discussing the importance of making new friends. Afterwards, we all drew our own scribbles and talked about how they were all different. This is also a very easy craft. You can buy Stickers to make faces on your kid’s scribbles.

Snippets: A story about paper shapes – Snippets is an amazingly engaging story that touches on heavy topics for any child. This story illustrates to kids about fitting in, diversity, and how different isn’t a bad thing. Throughout all of this story the author has managed to incorporate a basic geometry lesson and teaching children to identify shapes throughout!

A Little SPOT of Emotion 8 Plush Toys with Feelings Book Box Set – Love these little dots! I have two young boys, so I’ve been working on emotions with them. My youngest loves the Scribble spot the most but he plays with all of them. I highly recommend for all kids since naming and understanding emotions is key to helping our children thrive when they get older. This also makes a great present. Not only is it a fun and educational story but they also be excited for the little toys.

Scribble Stones – This is the sweetest book ever! I love making kindness rocks which made reading this book even more fun. I love how this stone comes from the bottom to help others! What a great message for kids, plus there’s a fun collaborative project idea in the back!

This page does contain affiliate links. I only recommend items that I have personally vetted.  I use these products, and if you buy them I’ll probably earn a small amount of money.

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