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When most people think of reading to kids, you see this perfect picture in your head of relaxing and cuddling together. We see ourselves curling up in a chair together and reading a story from beginning to end. These moments are definitely ones to treasure. However, most of the time you can’t finish a book because your child keeps trying to flip pages, or climb off of your lap. On days like these, it might be worth getting a book that gives your child an active role in the reading process.

Interactive books are great for young kids with lots of Energy but my 7 year old loved playing…I mean reading… these books too. There is a variety of Interactive books out there. There is the traditional ispy, books with flaps, and popup books. Then there are books that ask kids to do things to help the story move along. They may push, tilt, play, make sounds, or shake the book to make things happening in the book.

Don’t Push the Button By Bill Cotter- This is probably one of the most popular Interactive books right now. My kids love it! They think it is silly and love pushing the button. We get to read it A LOT. The fun thing about this book is that it is interactive. I love books where the child reading feels like they participate in the book. The book is not long and completely holds their attention. We all have a lot of fun with this and insist it be read to them before bed.

Play This Book By Jessica Young and Daniel Wiseman – This is such a fun book my 7 seven year old even loved it. With my preschooler, we learned about instruments and the sounds they make, as well as counting to the music. We talked about simple concepts like high and low sounds, loud and soft sounds and keeping a beat.

Tap to play! By Salina Yoon- This author writes the cutest little characters. We love her Penguin books too. This interactive book is so much fun for kids. They meet a Cute little character and they have to help him win a challenge. They will try many different strategies to solve the problem such as shaking, tilting, and tapping parts of the book. The challenge of winning the contest and interactive nature of the book keeps kids interested. I also love that this book teaches kids that things are hard and sometimes you have to try several different things before you succeed.

There’s a Monster in your Book – by Tom Fletcher – This book is another fun read that your kids will love. my boys love interacting with it. It’s a simple fun interactive book. My son has no issue with “the monster in your room”. My boys think it’s funny and pretend they see the monster. Then they giggle and we call him back. Bright simple illustrations. The monster is cute and not scary.

Plant the Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson – This book is great for preschool through elementary aged kids. My boys 5 and 7 never hesitate to join along with interactive aspects. Great introductory read to plant life cycle. It is super cute short story and the actions are great for starting conversations about growing and maintaining flowers!

Can you make a scary Face? By Jan Thomas – This is a very cute book for younger children, that gives them a chance for a little pretend and a little physical play. My boys liked it very much, and enjoys making scary faces at the book.

You are a Lion! and other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo – This book has simple, engaging illustrations. My 5 year old has it memorized. He puts it on the floor, turns the pages, “reads” each page, does the yoga pose. We can refer to the poses for calming techniques during the day. This book is beautifully illustrated. It is useful fun book to read, to learn yoga poses, use for self-regulation, and promote sharing and collaboration.

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