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We all have days where we do not like to being polite and cooperating. Toddlers seem to have this mood a couple times a minutes! But we learn that if we are polite and work together it would have been way easier. Eric Carle’s The Grouchy Ladybug teaches this lesson beautifully. This mean ladybug doesn’t want to share so goes off and has an awful day! Then finally ends back up where he started but this time grateful to share with the other Ladybug. This book is an excellent example for our kids! In most Eric Carle books, there are a few other lessons he teaches. This book is another great Math book teaching the time of day. Also is a great Science book showing kids many different types of Animals.

Toddler Craft Tips

I did this activity with my 4 year old but with a few adaptations this is the perfect Toddler craft. Toddlers are ages 1-3. There is a big difference from what a 1 year old can do and a 3 year old. If i was doing this project with a young toddler, I would have all the pieces precut and I would use a glue stick for most of it. If you have a 3 year old that is learning to cut this is a great time practice. Check out our youtube video to see how I help my 4 year old with cutting. Always teach them to turn the paper not the scissors. Happy crafting!


This page does contain affiliate links. I only recommend tools I have personally vetted.  I use these products, and if you buy them I’ll probably earn a small amount of money.

The Grouchy Lady Bug by Eric Carl

Toilet paper tube

Black and Red paper

Wiggly Eyes

Glue or Glue stick

Tempera Paint sticks


Cut a piece of black paper to fit around your tube. Glue to tube.

Cut a circle out of red paper for wings. I traced a DVD seemed to be the perfect size.

Fold circle in half and cut into two semi circles.

Color black dots onto the wings. We love these tempera paint sticks. Here’s a link. You can also use markers or crayons.

Glue on wiggle eyes on the top of your tube.

Cut out two small black antennas and glue to the tube.

Glue on your wings! You are ready to enjoy your Grouchy Ladybug! Happy Crafting!

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