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I love reading Christmas books to my kids. It’s a huge weakness so of course I had to start on Thanksgiving night bedtime to read our first Christmas book of the season. I have an entire bin of books I bring out for Christmas. We read these books over and over. Booklist and links below but check out the video for a fun Santa craft.

 Santa post By Emma Yarlette – Brilliant interactive story. Beautifully illustrated. My family loves this author and every book of hers we’ve bought. Her books are creative, funny, and very clever – this book is no exception.

A Very Quacky Christmas By Frances Watts – This would by my kids top choice for Christmas books. This is a great Christmas book that is focused on giving rather than receiving. The main character shows generosity throughout the whole story. And through her generosity, she inspires others to give also. Not to mention the catchy twist on a favorite Christmas carol. Your kids will be singing “We wish you a Quacky Christmas”.

Penguin’s Christmas Wish By Salina Yoon – This is a sweet story that covers the joy of giving during the holidays. We have read all of the Penguin books and love them all. The stories are sweet and easy for children to understand. The illustrations are adorable.

Happy Narwhalidays By Ben Clanton – The Narwhale and Jelly Serious are the Best! I love the author Ben Clanton. His books are filled with humor, lovable characters, and fun facts about sea life. My kiddos and I could not love this series more! The enthusiastic Narwhal shares his excitement for the holidays with his buddy Jelly by teaching him of the Merry Mermicorn who spreads cheer each Christmas. The graphic novel format and comical dialogue will suck the reader into this amusing tale.

Nutcracker Little Golden Book By Rita Balducci – This is a Christmas Classic! This is a great version of the Nutcracker to read to young kids especially if you are going to see the show. This book will do a great job explaining the story in a quick entertaining Story.

Fletchers and the snowflake Christmas By Julia Rawlinson – We love Fletcher in our house! This sweet story is about helping others with a touch of Santa magic. This is a lovely gentle story for small children realize that Christmas isn’t only about receiving presents but caring for others.

Santa Rex By Molly Idle – This a simple and fun to read together during holiday seasons! Santa Rex is so big and adorable! The book describes all the things you can do to celebrate the special moment! And the most important part is to bring everyone together. Would recommend it to Dinosaur lovers and Christmas reading time.

Snowman at Christmas By Caralyn Buehner – This was an instant favorite that we read every year. Adorable story about what’s boy dreams snowmen do to celebrate Christmas while we are sleeping. The illustrations are beautiful and the book really envokes the spirit of the season.

Usborne Books – There are so many Usborne Christmas books that I love that I can’t just pick one but I will include all Usborne Christmas books as must reads. There are many interactive books with flaps, felt, textures, and musical books. Usborne books are high quality books with fun illustration that your kids will love.

Christmas by Jan Pienkowski – The nativity story taken from the King James Bible. This is also has an extended version of the story that has details that most kids books skip over. The pictures are amazing. I love this story and I feel sure that as my children grow they will love it as much as I do. If you are only going to buy one nativity story, this has got to be the one.

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